Breastfeeding tips for summer outings

Breastfeeding Tips for Summer Outings

Hot weather is here in Texas--a good time for days at the pool or lake. But feeding a baby can complicate a summer outing. We asked Breastfeeding Success's Sunayana Weber, IBCLC, RLC, a few questions about how to handle a summer trip with a nursing child.

Can I breastfeed in public places?

Texas law says that a mother is entitled to breastfeed her baby or express milk anywhere she is allowed to be. It does not mandate covering up or going to a private space to nurse or pump.

Should I bottle feed at the pool?

The choice to breastfeed or bottle-feed is yours. An insulated bottle holder or cooler with ice packs will keep expressed milk or formula cold for hours. Warm bottles up in a container of warm water or use body heat to make bottles warmer.

How often should I feed my baby in the heat?

Parents should maintain their baby's regular feeding rhythm, but babies may be more thirsty in the heat. Even if your baby does not appear to perspire, they may be losing fluids. If they are not as hungry, give them opportunities to nurse or take a bottle more frequently, offering them milk or formula whenever you take a drink.

Does my baby need additional fluids (like water) in the heat?

Infants under 6 months shouldn't drink water. Replace the lost liquids by nursing more frequently or giving them extra formula. A baby over 6 months who is no longer exclusively breastmilk or formula-fed can drink water between feeds.

Will I produce enough milk when I'm hot?

Hot weather won't impact milk supply, but it is important to drink a lot in the heat to avoid dehydration. Water, coconut water, or fruit-infused water can quench your thirst. Eating fruits and vegetables can keep you hydrated too. Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks, as they reduce the amount of fluid your body can retain. Alcohol can be dehydrating and inhibit milk ejection reflex (letdown) when nursing.

What are signs my baby is overheating?

Seek urgent medical help if you notice:

  • Unwell appearance and more irritable than usual
  • Pale, clammy skin
  • Sleepy and floppy
  • Fewer wet diapers or dark urine
  • Soft spot on head appears sunken in

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Tags: Pediatric tips, Breastfeeding tips