A 5-minute scan can save your eyesight

IRIS screening for Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in all adults under the age of 75 … it is also detectable and treatable. Although it presents with no symptoms in early stages, it can be detected in five minutes with a painless IRIS (Intelligent Retinal Imaging System) screening that can be completed in a dozen different ARC labs.

As of July 2021, we've saved the vision of 249 patients this year alone. That's 249 patients who would have lost their vision within 12 months. ARC Hutto, our newest location with an IRIS scanner, has already completed 80 scans this year.

If you are living with diabetes, ask your doctor about this quick, painless, vision-saving screening or schedule a lab visit at ARCAppointments.com.

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